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Sponsorship Opportunity
Support Our Music Program
To Our Proud Parents, Guardians, and Sponsors:
The Inderkum High School Music Program is proud of its rich tradition of excellence. We feel we have the best students who therefore deserve the best quality. As a music program, we are always looking for ways to encourage musical growth and to provide various performance experiences for our students.
Our school district has many financial responsibilities as well as a rich history of supporting the music program here at Inderkum High School. Unfortunately, our programmatic needs far exceed the financial support they can offer. Therefore, we must assume responsibility for some of our expenses. At a time where budgets are being trimmed, there is an increased awareness for outside support in order for our music program to continue providing quality musical education.
Your sponsorship efforts help support:
Sponsor Music Students in Needed Equipment
Purchase of New Music
Guest Clinicians
Sponsor/Provide Meals at Festivals or Band Reviews
Private Lessons
Social Activities
Trips (Local and Overnight)
Transportation Costs
Supplies for Conductors
Uniforms and Under Armor
Academic instrumental music itself is set upon the foundations of team work, support for the general cause, and expression of oneself by generosity. Your support at this time has a positive effect on the quality of this program; the experiences we can provide and the rewards the students will reap from their involvement.
Thank you for your support of the Inderkum High School Music Program!
Shawn Hines and Jemaline Hines
Conductors of Inderkum High School Music Program
The Inderkum High School Music Boosters is a proud sponsor of the Inderkum High School Music Department.

Sponsorship Levels
We need your support! Please consider the options below. Decide to help our students and community benefit from music at Inderkum High School.
Gold Level - $500
Patrons at the Gold Level will receive Blue level benefits and will have their logo prominently displayed on the website on our Welcome page and Sponsor Page with a 200 x 100 pixel link to your business or organization and our Inderkum Music Plaque to be displayed of appreciation at our Annual Awards Night.
Blue Level - $200
Patrons at the Blue Level receive All Silver Benefits and “Preferred” Seating at our Winter/Spring Concerts and our Inderkum Music Polo Shirt.
(This sponsorship will directly benefit a student in need to help offset their costs in the program.)
Silver Level - $100
Patrons at the Silver Level receive Bronze Benefits and the acknowledgement at our concert performances and our website Sponsor Page.*
Bronze Level - $50
Patrons at the Bronze Level will receive a certificate of appreciation at our Annual Awards Night.
Other Amounts - $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $1
Your sponsorship of any amount will be greatly appreciated!